These are some pictures of my wife Lety, my kids Cedric, Stephany, Abraham, Abel and Axel Jr.
Also here are some pictures of relatives, friends and some from our recent trip to Guatemala. This is to give others an idea that "yes" you too could travel to other places.
Mi hija Stephany, mi eposa Lety, Axel, mi hijo Cedric Toronto, agosto 2001
Mis hijos Cedric, Axel y Abraham Julio 2002 Kitchener, Ont
Mis hijos Abel, Abraham y Axel Vancouver1998?
Axel, Cedric, Lety, Stephany, Abraham, mi hermano Joel, Cataratas del Niagara, Junio 2001
Celebrando 9 anos de Stephany y 6 de Cedric. Tiquisate, Guatemala, junio 2002